Rabu, 24 November 2010

Cosplay Jepang

Jepang terkenal dengan manga-nya, anime dan karakter permainan. A lot of japan mangas now are really popular all over the world. Banyak Mangas jepang sekarang sangat populer di seluruh dunia. Who don’t know Naruto, Death Note, Bleach, Soul Eater, One Piece, or Games such as Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, until some old manga characters like Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, Saint Seiya, Kamen Rider Series, Gundam, etc. Siapa yang tidak tahu Naruto, Death Note, Bleach, Soul Eater, One Piece, atau Game seperti Final Fantasy, Devil May Cry, sampai beberapa karakter manga tua seperti Dragon Ball, Sailor Moon, Saint Seiya, Kamen Rider Series, Gundam, dan lain-lain
However, Japanese is such a creative and full of ideas peoples. Namun, Jepang adalah seperti yang kreatif dan penuh ide-ide masyarakat. They will imitate their manga or anime idols by wearing their costumes and accessories, to feel and act just their hero. Mereka akan meniru manga atau anime berhala dengan memakai kostum dan aksesoris, merasakan dan bertindak hanya pahlawan mereka. Gradually becoming a signature style for the very fashion-conscious Japanese teens, Anime also launched a new craze in the hairstyle domain, just like the famousHarajuku hairstyles , this trend also spreads its ‘animated’ atmosphere all over the world. Secara bertahap menjadi gaya tanda tangan untuk sadar mode remaja Jepang-sangat, Anime juga meluncurkan menggila baru dalam domain gaya rambut, seperti terkenal Harajuku hairstyles , tren ini juga menyebar ‘perusahaan animasi’ suasana seluruh dunia.
The anime fashion is called cosplay. Anime mode disebut cosplay. Cosplay fashion has evolved over the past 10 years or so: when I first arrived in Japan over 5 years ago, `gyaru` or `yomamba` fashion was still popular- a range of bizarre and fetishized takes on a blank canvas of an ultra-dark tan, bleached hair, and intense black and white face-paint, as popularized by J-pop idol Namie Amuro in the 90`s. fashion Cosplay yang telah berkembang selama 10 tahun terakhir ini: ketika saya pertama kali tiba di Jepang selama 5 tahun yang lalu, `gyaru` atau “ fashion yomamba masih populer-berbagai aneh dan fetishized mengambil kanvas kosong ultra- cokelat gelap, rambut dikelantang, dan intens hitam dan putih muka-cat, seperti yang dipopulerkan oleh J pop idola Namie Amuro di 90 `s. This style evolved through chic, gothic lolita, hawaiian, and many other permutations. Gaya ini berkembang melalui chic, gothic lolita, Hawaii, dan permutasi lainnya. Some of them looked elaborately beautiful, like the voodoo `Calypso` from Pirates of the Caribbean, while others were just the opposite, bordering on the disturbing. Beberapa dari mereka tampak rumit yang indah, seperti voodoo “ Calypso dari Pirates of the Caribbean, sementara yang lainnya justru sebaliknya, berbatasan dengan mengganggu.
Besides Cosplay, there are still some style that evolved very well in japanese teens nowadays such as Harajuku Style, Gothic Lolita, Visual Kei, Kawaii, Decora. Selain Cosplay, masih ada beberapa gaya yang berkembang sangat baik di jepang remaja saat ini seperti Harajuku Style, Gothic Lolita, Visual Kei, Kawaii, hiasan.
Here are some photos of japanese men or girls in cosplay fashion. Berikut adalah beberapa foto orang jepang atau perempuan dalam mode cosplay. They are like a real hero from their idol character. Mereka bagaikan pahlawan yang nyata dari karakter idola mereka.
cosplay anime jepang fashion
cosplay anime jepang fashion
cosplay anime jepang mode
cosplay anime jepang fashion
cosplay anime jepang fashion
cosplay anime jepang fashion
cosplay anime jepang fashion
cosplay anime jepang fashion
Watch he International Cosplay Convention in Nagoya in 2008. Watch ia Konvensi Internasional Cosplay di Nagoya pada tahun 2008. We dressed up as a Power Ranger (Lee) and a Batman/Kuala-bear type thing (Lindsay) and took part in a parade of 100′s of Cosplay peeps from all over the world. Kami berpakaian seperti Power Ranger (Lee) dan Batman / Kuala-hal jenis beruang (Lindsay) dan ambil bagian dalam parade 100′s of peeps Cosplay dari seluruh dunia.

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